Diagram Playmat v2.0

The new-and-improved take on our most popular playmat, now updated in two main ways:

1) Now follows the new coverage rules for Library>Graveyard>Exile position, so you can practice for the next time you're on-camera at a Grand Prix.

2) The Pile now lives on the right-hand side of the playmat, after polling showed that over 65% of you keep it there, regardless of your dominant hand. Neat, huh?

Plus, it looks a little nicer. Brighter colours, a little more graphical flair, and check out that blue rubber backing!  It's everything you want from a version 2.0!

Still printed on durable, machine-washable neoprene, in the standard size of 60x35 cm (23.5 x 13.75 inches), at 3mm thick.